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Catalystk CRM Software allows viewing a complete sales report of your entire business.

Sales report describes the record of all the calls/data that have been made and products that have been sold during a particular time frame by a salesperson person or the management. In Catalystk CRM, All of your company's sales reports can be viewed and downloaded as excel. The sales reports can be viewed by way of product sales reports, sales visit reports, quotation reports, proforma invoice reports, sales order reports, Delivery notes reports and finally invoice reports. 

1. The product sales report can be viewed by:

a. Time periods, where time duration is selected for all products and also for a particular product.

b. Daily Reports, where the reports are viewed for a desired period of time by selecting from date and to date for all products or for a particular product.

c. High Selling Reports show which product has been sold more.

d. Client High Helling report shows to which client the product has been sold more.

e. Profit Margin Report shows the profit of all products and for a particular product.

2. The Sales visit reports can be viewed by way of sales visit all,  processed, unprocessed and campaign. All these reports can be viewed as time period wise, daily report, user wise, group-wise, and campaign wise reports by way of selecting from date and to date.

3. Quotation reports can be viewed by quotation reports, failed proposals, status wise, campaign wise, promotion wise, client report and client campaign report.  All the reports are viewed by time period wise, daily report, user wise, group-wise, and cumulative client campaign report.

4. Proforma invoice reports are viewed by Proforma invoice reports, status wise, campaign wise, promotion wise, client wise report and client campaign report.  All the reports are viewed by time period wise, daily report, user wise, group-wise, and cumulative client campaign report.

5. Sales order reports are viewed by sales order reports, status wise, campaign wise, promotion wise, client wise report and client campaign report.  All the reports are viewed by time period wise, daily report, user wise, group-wise, cumulative campaign report, and dispatch details reports. 

6. Delivery note reports are viewed by delivery note reports, status wise, campaign wise, promotion wise, and client wise report.  All the reports are viewed by time period wise, and daily report.

7. Invoice reports are viewed by invoice reports, status wise, campaign wise, promotion wise, and client wise report.  All the reports are viewed by time period wise, and daily report by way of selecting from date and to date.

8. User performance report shows the performance of all users like how many quotations, invoice, etc a particular user has created.


Free registration is also available. kindly click on free registration

Catalystk also has free CRM software, ERP software, Manufacturing software, service software, AMC management software, inventory software, free GST invoice software, 500+reports, and quotation software


 Benefits of sales report:

       1. In CRM, Sales reports include gives you a clear picture of the entire business.
       2. In all the 7 types mentioned above, there are many sub-modules which gives you a precise report of that particular field.
       3. All the reports can be viewed as excel form and also downloaded thereby saves your valuable time.
       4. The sales report shows whether the sales are increasing or decreasing during the financial year, thereby trends the sales manager to determine the best course of action.

Steps of generating sales report:

      1. Click the "Reports" tab, then click the "Sales Reports" tab.
      2. Now Click the following tabs one by one to view all the required reports of sales "Product sales", "Sales_visits", "Quotation", "Proforma_Invoice", "Sales_Order", "Delivery_Note", "Invoice" and "User_Performance".
NOTE: For any clarifications Kindly contact the support team.
