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High Selling Product can be identified and also Profit Margin can be viewed in Catalystk CRM

This is an option to know which product has been sold maximum in a company and also to know the profit gained for that particular product. It allows us to generate a company's total profit margin, and develop sales growth accordingly. This is calculated by the average selling price and the average purchase price of a product.


Benefits of a high selling product :

1. A company can view the total sale of a particular product and also know the profit margin for the same.
2. It also enables the company to buy that particular product as on priority.
3. The product can also be purchased in advance before the cost of that particular product increases.
4. This helps to improve the sales growth of the company. 

Steps to identify high selling Product:

1. Click the side menu option, and click the "Report" tab and then click "Sales Report" tab.
2. Click "Product Sale Report" tab, and then click "High Selling Report" option and select the required date,  month and year.
3. View the High selling product of a single product by selecting the drop-down option.
4. Click the "Profit Margin Report" and view the profit margin of all the products and "Download" the same.
5. View all the required data by downloading a report in the form of excel.
