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Create multiple terms and conditions for the proforma invoice.

The terms and conditions are the must process for a new company to convey its rule and regulations from a business people's point of view. This helps to run the business smoothly and serves an agreement between both parties who are signing in a business contract with each other. Catalystk CRM allows creating multiple terms and conditions for the proforma invoice. 

Benefits of multiple terms and conditions for proforma invoice:

1. The proforma invoice, which is otherwise known as a duplicate invoice, should obviously have its own terms and conditions stated when generating proforma invoice for a customer. These terms and conditions, sometimes vary from one customer to another. In that case, catalystk CRM has a separate tab for creating multiple terms and conditions for the proforma invoice.
2. While generating a proforma invoice, it views as a drop-down option, so that it can be easily selected, thereby saves time.
3. This feature allows to change the terms and conditions, according to the company's flow and avoids future conflicts between the customer and the supplier.
4. This helps to understand your customers better, which leads to future sales and sales growth, thereby increases sales projections.

Steps to create multiple terms and conditions for proforma invoice:

1. Click the "Settings" icon near the "bell" icon on the right side top corner.
2. Then in the settings tab, click the "Terms and conditions" tab and select "Proforma Invoice TC" tab.
3. In the  "Proforma Invoice TC" tab, click "Add New TC" Create a new display name, select the unit name, and create a terms and conditions  and click "Save".
4.. While generating the proforma invoice, the terms and conditions will be viewed by its display name for you to select and click "Save".
5. Click "Add New TC" every time to create new proforma invoice terms and conditions if it varies from one customer to another
 NOTE :  For any clarifications Kindly contact support team.
